Future Is On The Line Meet VoIP, the hot new
technology that promises to cut your phone bill
and change the way you communicate (never mind
the geeky name).
Stephanie N. Mehta
Fortune Magazine
July 26, 2004
Parade, the happily middlebrow
magazine that comes with Sunday newspapers, is
hardly the place you'd look for technology that
is about to rock a $750-billion-a-year industry.
Yet on June 6, sandwiched between the gossip
column and an essay by Miss Teen USA, there it
was: a blurb recommending a phone service from a
company called Vonage, which promises cheap
rates by shipping calls on the Internet.
Vonage, a New Jersey startup that
has received similar buzz in such high-tech
journals as Cigar Aficionado and the Killeen
(Texas) Daily Herald, is the froth on a vast
wave of change that has begun to engulf the
telecom world. Cable television giants are
jumping into the same body of water: They've
just started to offer phone service using Voice
Over Internet Protocol technology, or VoIP
(pronounced "voyp"). AT&T, which invented phone
service, is in the game too: It hopes to ride
VoIP back into the local phone business. And
Cisco Systems, which has long dominated the
Internet router market, is betting big on the
technology (see following story). It wants to be
to the new Internet-based phone network what Ma
Bell was to the phone system of the 20th
century: chief architect and equipment supplier.
Like most revolutions, this one
isn't going to happen overnight. The most
optimistic forecasters predict a scant three
million American homes will use VoIP by the end
of next year. But what's clear is that VoIP is
at an inflection point. A vision of how change
might unfold comes from the Yankee Group:
Starting in 2006, the research firm predicts,
VoIP will really take off, and by the end of
2008 some 17.5 million users, or about 16% of
U.S. homes, will be VOIPing--the beginning of
mass-market acceptance. Those guesstimates may
be high or low. But the economics and features
are too compelling for VoIP not to happen.
The new technology promises to
change the way you make phone calls and whom you
pay to handle those calls--if you pay for them
at all. VoIP's impact will be more profound than
that of either cellphones or the Internet,
largely because it encompasses both. Like the
wireless and Internet phenomena, VoIP has the
potential to buoy a raft of new household
brands. Fortunes will rise and fall as
traditional phone companies, cable operators,
and upstarts fight to sell you more convenient,
cheaper, and way cooler phone services. And it
will increasingly marginalize the century-old
traditional phone network, replacing it with a
sleek new system of interconnecting data
pipelines that will deliver calls, movies,
messages, games, and whatever else can be
Yes, we know it all sounds like
rhetoric reheated from the mid-1990s, when
everyone was babbling about cable and telecom
"convergence." But the revolution is very real.
Federal Communications Commission chairman
Michael Powell believes that VoIP will
irreversibly alter the world of communications.
VoIP, he has said, represents the "most
significant paradigm shift in the entire history
of modern communications since the invention of
the telephone."
What makes VoIP exciting and
potentially explosive is that it promises to
fuse two parallel communications universes: the
phone system and the Internet. Since its
inception, the plain old telephone network has
operated on the same basic principle: Every
phone call opens up a dedicated circuit for its
duration. This method is reliable but
inefficient. With the Internet, on the other
hand, data are chopped into little packets and
traverse the network in random order, to be
reassembled at their destination. Chaotic, yes,
but incredibly economical and flexible.
The ascendance of VoIP means phone calls are
becoming just another kind of data, no different
from e-mail, instant messages, and digital
pictures. It's a bigger deal than it appears:
When phone conversations start speaking the same
language as data, amazing things can happen.
Monthly phone bills can go down significantly,
as readers of Parade are now aware. Calling also
gets more manageable and more personal. With
VoIP, you can customize your phone service to do
exactly what you want. Want to forward calls
from your boss to your cellphone? Log on to your
friendly VoIP website and activate the
call-forwarding function. Want to caucus about
dinner plans with your ten closest friends? Set
up a conference call online by entering their
numbers and clicking your mouse a few times. And
because calls are basically data applications
(you might think of them as talking e-mail
messages), callers eventually will be able to
"attach" other data to a call--faxes, say, or
moving images, thus enabling the long-awaited
arrival of videophones.
Unlike traditional residential
phone service, which is "fixed" to a jack in the
wall, most VoIP services will work anywhere. Say
you're spending the week at your beach house but
want to make and receive all the calls you would
at home. You can use your VoIP service to simply
forward your home calls to your cellphone. Or,
perhaps better, you can unplug the gadget that
comes with most VoIP services today, attach it
to the broadband connection at your summer
place, and voila!--when your freeloading friends
call, none of them will even know you're at the
beach. Plus, you're not stuck paying a second
phone bill or using up your wireless minutes.
Another minor benefit: Because
VoIP doesn't tie you to a location, there's no
reason your area code has to correspond to your
actual address. A wannabe San Franciscan can
mask her Oakland digs by picking digits that
start with "415." Vonage and other providers say
area codes 212 (Manhattan) and 310 (Beverly
Hills) are in especially high demand.
This is the kind of stuff that
makes Bellheads envious, if also a bit scared.
Edward Whitacre, chairman of the nation's
second-largest Baby Bell and therefore a major
guardian of the circuit-switched phone network,
thinks VoIP is like catnip. "It offers things
that most consumers would like," he muses.
"Wireless-wireline integration, convenience,
nifty features... It is richer than
circuit-switched [service]."
It wasn't long ago that VoIP was
little more than a geeky niche. To make Internet
calls, you'd typically need a microphone
attached to a PC, and so would the person you
were calling. Those primitive early versions
appealed mainly to nerds and skinflints willing
to endure horrid sound quality for the cheap
thrill of talking on the Net.
Today VoIP has become amazingly
easy to use. Consumers no longer need special
phones or headsets for their computers. Vonage
sells do-it-yourself installation kits through
retailers such as Best Buy and Radio Shack. The
technology generally appeals to people who
already have cable modems and who are looking to
ditch their home phones. People like me.
I recently gave AT&T's
CallVantage a try. A few days after I signed up,
a FedEx box arrived at my house containing an
Ethernet cable and a gizmo the size of a cigar
box. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I
connected the device (new buzzword: It is called
a analog telephone adapter, or ATA) to my home
phone, my laptop computer, and my cable modem.
Miraculously I was able to install the service
without summoning tech support (my husband), and
in less than an hour I was making phone calls
using my broadband connection. As if talking for
peanuts over the Net weren't thrilling enough, I
was able to set up a quick conference call via
the CallVantage website. And the next day I used
my computer at the office to check the voicemail
that had come in on my home phone--again by
logging on to AT&T's web page.
Overall I was pretty pleased. Of course, I'm
right smack in the VoIP demographic--I'm under
35, I like technology, and I'm solvent. I pay my
cable company $100-plus a month for digital
cable and broadband Internet, and my phone
company another $45 or so for local and
long-distance service. So at $35 a month,
CallVantage cuts $10 from my total bill and
gives me a ton of calling features. I like VoIP
so much that I'm seriously considering
recommending it to my parents.
Cablevision in New York is
offering VoIP to its entire service area of 4.4
million households. Comcast, the nation's
biggest cable operator, plans to roll out its
version of VoIP in the next several months.
Comcast's closest competitor in size, Time
Warner Cable, expects to offer VoIP to most of
its customers by year-end. (Time Warner Cable,
like FORTUNE, is a unit of Time Warner.)
"Employees ask me what I'm most excited about,
and I tell them, 'Voice over the Internet,'"
Richard Parsons, CEO of the multimedia company,
told company executives in June. "It is going to
be a really big deal for us."
It's hard to overestimate the
potential of VoIP for cable operators. Cox
Communications, which sells an earlier version
of cable phone service in markets like Omaha,
has wrested as many as a third of households
from local telcos. And VoIP is a lot cheaper to
build and maintain than a traditional phone
system. Because the calls behave like data, VoIP
operators don't need to buy the huge switches
the local phone companies have employed for
decades--rather, they can use much cheaper
routers with special software to ship IP calls.
For cable operators, the savings are huge. Tom
Rutledge, chief operating officer of
Cablevision, says the incremental cost of adding
a non-VoIP phone customer to its network would
be more than $700--vs. $150 per customer using
VoIP. "That's a significant savings that allows
us to offer a very inexpensive product," he
says. "In fact, in our focus groups people found
the pricing so compelling it scared them--they
thought there must be something wrong with the
Another big appeal of VoIP:
Customers are already primed for it, thanks to
the proliferation of wireless and broadband
services. Most VoIP services today "ride" on a
broadband connection--either cable modem or DSL.
Just as I did, you hook your home phone,
computer, and broadband modem up to a special
box that translates the phone signal into
Internet language. Now that more than 20% of
homes have high-speed connections, more
consumers can readily make the switch to VoIP.
"Mobile services have definitely changed
people's perceptions" about VoIP, says Cathy
Martine, head of Internet telephony for AT&T.
"Customers say, 'Wow! It's better than
More broadband means more VoIP,
which means more broadband, and so on. It's this
virtuous cycle that's creating so much
excitement in the communications industry. "We
think VoIP is the killer application for
broadband," says Jeffrey Citron, founder of
Vonage, the leading residential VoIP player
today, with 200,000 customers. Citron believes
Vonage isn't a commodity, like wireline long
distance, but a value-added service along the
lines of an HBO--something people are willing to
pay a premium for.
The VoIP revolution will land
hard on the Baby Bells, which still control the
majority of the residential phone lines in the
U.S. A study by Sanford C. Bernstein estimates
that the Bells will lose 15% of their
residential phone customers to cable companies'
VoIP services over the next five years. On top
of that, they will also continue to lose
residential customers to wireless: An estimated
5% of Americans have disconnected their home
phones and use a mobile device exclusively.
As the Internet did in the crash,
VoIP will end up weeding out lots of weak
companies. "Inevitably some companies will lose
and some companies will win," says David Roddy
of management consultant FTI Consulting. "I'd
say the big companies are going to acquire the
small companies with good ideas, and the other
companies will go bankrupt." And whatever
happens, customers win.